Tuesday, July 9, 2013

More Usual Suspects: Fairchild Family Reunion 2013

Here's an idea on what the Fairchild Family Reunion does on Saturday.  Besides a lot of relaxing and visiting, we take in our annual "auction" where we raise money to pay for everything from "glamping" facilities and even the potential of a catered meal. Items for the auction are donated from family members and consists of everything from hand made items, white elephants, and wine and beer are always popular. This year we out did ourselves and made the most money ever.  Enjoy.  (Note: 198 photos on this slide show, so grab a beer and be patient)

Thursday, July 4, 2013

More of 2013 Reunion

More good times.

Fairchild Family Reunion - 2013

It was a great weekend! We ate lots, chatted lots, shared photos and projects, and Saturday evening some of the cousins sang around an imaginary campfire. Here is just a hint of what we do at our reunions. 

Note: Double click on slide presentation and it will forward to a new page where you can download or order your own set of prints.